The days are finally starting to get longer, and it feels like spring is around the corner. I have a few things I would like to share with you.
Our next event is soon coming up. We invite you to join us for the annual President’s Luncheon on Thursday, April 3rd. Our provincial STS president, Sue Amundrud, will join us that day. Both Chapter members and their spouses are welcome to attend this event. The cost will be $15 a person, with the STS Yorkton Chapter subsidizing the remaining costs. The event will start at 11:00 am in the Birch Room at the Good Spirit School Division Office. Please register for the luncheon by March 25th by contacting one of the following people.
Dianne Maloney: 306-621-2637Betty Anne Irving: 306-621-9221Claudette Tessier: 306-621-1089Jacquie Barton: 306-621-5612Secondly, as executives, we are asking how many members might be interested in attending an RCMP presentation on scams and how to protect yourself. We will set something up with our local RCMP if we get enough interest. Please email me at and let me know if you are interested. Also, indicate whether you would prefer an afternoon or evening presentation. Please email me by Sunday, March 9th.Finally, our members have been invited to join Melville Chapter’s annual March Coffee and Conversation series. Should you be interested and open to a road trip to Melville, a representative of St. John Ambulance will be speaking and answering questions on Tuesday, March 11, at 2:00 p.m. at Melville Community Works, North Meeting Room. They will be touching on key first-aid strategies and emergency preparedness. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP Yvette at 306 730-9934 as this helps to prepare the room and the refreshments. However, walk-ins would be no problem for this particular event.
Take care for now.Darran TeneyckeSTS Yorkton Chapter President