STS AGM Cancelled

1.            STS AGM


The STS AGM scheduled for May 12-14, 2020, has been postponed as per an STS Executive motion via a conference call on March 24, 2020.

The following amendment to STS Bylaws was passed by the STS Executive on March 24, 2020.

Pursuant to Bylaw 9.1, the STS Bylaws are amended by adding the following as Bylaw 5.1.4.

Notwithstanding any other Bylaw contained herein, the Executive may, in exigent circumstances, delay, postpone or re-schedule the Annual General Meeting to a date, place and time to be determined by the Executive and the current Executive members shall remain in office until an election is held at the next Annual General Meeting.


In accordance with Bylaw 9.2, the effective date shall be March 24, 2020, subject to Bylaw 9.6.


Resolutions that have been submitted will be put forth at the next scheduled AGM.


2.            STS Provincial Executive

The 2019-20 STS Executive will remain in place until the next scheduled STS AGM.


Chapter Officers

In the event that Chapters need to postpone their elections, Chapters should continue to function as they normally would. It will be up to each Chapter whether or not their current Chapter Officers remain in place for 2020-21.


3.            STS Financials


The current budget will remain the working budget until the next scheduled AGM.


The STS membership fee of $30.00 and Chapter rebate of $8.00 per member plus $400.00 per Chapter will remain the same for 2020-21 or until the next scheduled AGM.