Good Day Everyone and Happy New Year. 2020 has been a trying year in many ways. Some of us have had personal losses and all of us have been struggling to deal with the effect that Covid-19 has had on our lives. However, we bat on as best we can knowing that 2021 will be a much better year.
We decided last summer to curtail our activities until January ’21. We had hoped that the worst of the pandemic would be behind us, but that does not appear to be the case. While vaccine programs are underway and there is light at the end of the tunnel, it is premature for us to plan any future get-togethers until we get a handle on this pandemic. As a group I know we are doing our part to keep everyone safe.
Since we are not spending any money, I do not think that we need an Annual General Meeting this year. It is possible that we could have an AGM using Zoom, but with my technological expertise, I am certainly not the person to be running it. I have attended several Zoom meetings. They are challenging in several ways, not the least of which is getting the technology to work properly.
I am certain that the summer will bring us some relief and I hope that we can get together for our Brunch Without the Crunch in September and begin our fall activities. We shall see how things develop.
The weather has been warm, the stock market is doing well (and therefore so is our pension plan), and the days are getting longer. We are on the road to better times!
Terri Mitchell has sent us a Liaison report and some other important information which I am attaching.
Doug Ingham