Health Plan-Updated Information

As a result of a number of resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting in May 2023, and given the current positive financial situation of the STS Group Benefits Plan, the Provincial Executive has authorized the implementation of a Health Spending Account (HSA) for members (Primary Plan Holders) of the Extended Health and/or Dental Plan to be utilized between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2026.


A Health Spending Account allows individuals the flexibility to apply the allocated funds as they wish for any health expenses allowed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) incurred between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2026 which are not included in, or completely covered by, the STS Extended Health and Dental Plan.  Please see the CRA website under Eligible Medical Expenses.


The allocations to the HSA are as follows:

  • $200 if the Primary Plan Holder has “Single” coverage
  • $400 if the Primary Plan Holder has “Couple” coverage
  • $460 if the Primary Plan Holder has “Family” coverage


These allocations may be used by anyone covered by the Plan Holder.  The overall cost to the Plan, should the allocations be fully utilized, will be approximately $2.9 million.


Please see these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for additional information and clarifications.                                                                                                                            Chapter President Memo – December 6 2024

Fall 2024-STS Information

As the summer months edge towards a close, we trust you are getting excited about the fall season and the opportunities and events occurring in the provincial organization and local Chapters!


Provincial Recreation Events


Stitch ‘N Quilt

Stitch ‘N Quilt will be hosted by Mainline Chapter on September 23-26 in Grenfell.  Please see attached information or the STS website for details.



Kaiser will be hosted by Wakaw Chapter on October 10 in Bruno.  Please see attached information or the STS website for details.



Curling will be hosted by Saskatoon Chapter on November 4-6 in Saskatoon.  Please see the attached information or the STS website for details.



2024 Chapter Presidents Meeting


Please mark on your calendars November 15, 2024 as a Chapter Presidents meeting to be held in Saskatoon.  More information will be distributed in the coming weeks.

2024-25 Special Projects Grant


The STS Provincial Executive has identified two themes for this year’s Special Project Grant.  The themes will be “Celebrating Older Persons” or “Truth and Reconciliation”.  The Provincial Executive has authorized a grant application process, similar to the 50th Anniversary Grant application process, to support and kickstart Chapter plans in recognizing and / or celebrating these themes.  Please see the attached Application Form and Information!

2024 Provincial and School Board Elections

The fall issue of the STS Outreach magazine has a number of articles regarding the fall elections.  The fall issue is currently available on the STS website and will soon be mailed to those currently receiving a paper copy.  This will be followed in late September with a pamphlet designed to assist members in having good conversations with candidates or neighbors.  The STS encourages members to be involved in advocacy and the political process, even though as an organization we are distinctly non-partisan.

Regina Chapter Advocacy Committee has been working with End Poverty Regina to formulate some election questions for candidates as well.  Please see the attached questions and consider forwarding your members.

School Board elections will also be occurring this fall.  We encourage members to consider running for these important leadership positions.  Good people are always welcome in elected positions and retired teachers with experience in education are a great asset.  More information is available from the Saskatchewan School Boards Association website: Nominations & Elections – Saskatchewan School Boards Association (

STS Office Hours


Lastly, we would like Chapter Presidents and members to know that beginning in September 2024, until the end of June, the STS office will be open to the public or via phone until 1:00 p.m. daily.  We hope this extension of office hours will be helpful for those occasions you may need to call or drop by.  Of course, we are always available via email or by leaving a message on the office answering machine.

Chapter President Memo – June 13 2024Regina Advocacy_End Poverty ReginaChapter President Memo – August 22 2024Special Project Grant Application 2024-25Provincial+Kaiser+Tournament+Ad+for+Presidents+20242024+Stitch+Registration+Form2024+Curling+poster

STS Liaison Information

Attached are 2 documents from Terri Mitchell. Terri is  our STS Liaison and a member of the provincial Executive. She has done a masterful job of summarizing all the important information we need to know from the Fall Executive and committee meetings.
I also want to take a moment to remind you of one very important piece of information, the Health Spending Account. If you have not already spent your amount please do so before the deadline date of June 30,2023. There is more information about this account in Terri’s information and in Outreach.Group liaison report Oct 2022(1)    Group liaison additions

Issues Of Concern In Saskatchewan Health Care

Good Day Everyone:  Attached please find a document written by Dave and Sandra Baron.  Dave and Sandra have distributed this document to several local newspapers and have asked me to pass it on to our membership.  I wholeheartedly agree with their comments and I suspect that you do as well.  I invite you to follow their recommendation and contact our MLA’s.  Our rural health care system is being eroded and we are one of the groups who are directly affected by the reduction of services.

Doug Ingham

Once It Is Gone

Let No One Be Alone

Good day everyone:  The Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism is celebrating “Let No One Be Alone” week from January 25th to the 31st. Let No One Be Alone week is dedicated to reaching out and connecting with older adults who live alone as well as those living in care facilities.                                                                                                  Spiritual Practice                                                                                                                      Art                                                                                                                                              Exercise                                                                                                                                    Communication                                                                                                                        Music                                                                                                                                        Nature                                                                                                                                        Virtual Travel and Events

AGM Information and Health/Dental Plan Benefits

Hello Everyone:  I am attaching some information I received from our provincial association concerning a virtual AGM on May 13th and 14th.  Also included are some details on additional benefits to our health plan.

The following members volunteered to attend the provincial AGM that was postponed last year:   Jacquie Barton, Juanita Brown, Erv Henderson, Glenda Lazurko, and Marj Wlock
If any of you are unable to attend virtually through Zoom, please let me know and I will find a replacement for you.

Take Care
Doug Ingham

Chapter President Memo – January 2021 (1)

Attachments area

Message and Information from the STS

Good Day Everyone and Happy New Year.  2020 has been a trying year in many ways.  Some of us have had personal losses and all of us have been struggling to deal with the effect that Covid-19 has had on our lives.  However, we bat on as best we can knowing that 2021 will be a much better year.

We decided last summer to curtail our activities until January ’21.  We had hoped that the worst of the pandemic would be behind us, but that does not appear to be the case.  While vaccine programs are underway and there is light at the end of the tunnel, it is premature for us to plan any future get-togethers until we get a handle on this pandemic.  As a group I know we are doing our part to keep everyone safe.
Since we are not spending any money, I do not think that we need an Annual General Meeting this year.  It is possible that we could have an AGM using Zoom, but with my technological expertise, I am certainly not the person to be running it.  I have attended several Zoom meetings.  They are challenging in several ways, not the least of which is getting the technology to work properly.
I am certain that the summer will bring us some relief and I hope that we can get together for our Brunch Without the Crunch in September and begin our fall activities.  We shall see how things develop.
The weather has been warm, the stock market is doing well (and therefore so is our pension plan), and the days are getting longer.  We are on the road to better times!
Terri Mitchell has sent us a Liaison report and some other important information which I am attaching.
Doug Ingham


Provincial STS Update

Good afternoon, everyone!

The Provincial Executive met via Zoom yesterday.  I have prepared the attached report for distribution to our membership and I would greatly appreciate your help in facilitating that process.  Of significant interest is the decision to move to a virtual format for an AGM in the new year, and there will certainly be much more to follow in that regard.

I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather this week and staying safe and healthy. I very much appreciate your messages and updates regarding your Chapters as well as news of your families and various other activities.

Thank you for your continued attention to STS matters and I look forward to further communications with you.

Have a fine day,
Terri Mitchell
Chapter Liaison                                                                                                          STS Chapter Liaison Report and Greetings from Terri Mitchell, November 3, 2020